
Entity Definition

Logical Name : StockLedgerJournalEntry
Physical Name : JL_STKG

The record of a change in a stock holding that is applied to an StockLedgerAccount.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
MerchandiseHierarchyGroupID (FK)(PK) Unique system assigned identifier for a group or class of merchandise. ID_MRHRC_GP Identity integer StockLedgerAccount(LE_STKACT)
StockLedgerJournalEntryID (PK) A unique system assigned identifier for this journal entry. ID_JE_STKG Identity integer
RevenueCostCenterID (FK)(PK) A unique retailer assigned identifier for an accounting budget, that owns merchandise and is used to track the financial performance of the retail enterprise. ID_CTR_RVN_CST Identity integer StockLedgerAccount(LE_STKACT)
ItemInventoryJournalEntryID (FK) A unique system assigned identifier for the record of a change in an ItemInventory holding that is being posted to the StockLedger by this journal entry. ID_JR Identity integer ItemInventoryJournalEntry(JL_ITM_INV)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
ItemInventoryJournalEntry is posted to StockLedgerJournalEntry
StockLedgerAccount is updated via StockLedgerJournalEntry
StockLedgerJournalEntry is posted to FinancialLedgerJournalEntry

Logical Views containing StockLedgerJournalEntry

Logical View
Logical 02000 - Item Inventory and Stock Ledger View
Logical 02010 - Item Inventory - Adjustments View
Logical 02130 - Item Inventory - Receiving View
Logical 02310 - Retail Transaction - Item Sale View
Logical 02311 - Retail Transaction Item KIT Sale View
Logical 02600 - Inventory Control Transaction View
Logical 04000 - Financial Ledger - Macro View
Logical 04100 - Financial Ledger - Retail Transaction View
Logical 04300 - Financial Ledger - Inventory Control View